La búsqueda del término Zeit ha obtenido 24 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Zeit (n) {f} tiempo (n) {m}
Zeit (n) [Linguistik] {f} tiempo (n) {m} [Linguistik]
Zeit (n) [allgemein] {f} tiempo (n) {m} [allgemein]
Zeit {f} hora {f}
Zeit (n adj v) [verb forms distinguishing time] {f} tiempo gramatical (n adj v) [verb forms distinguishing time] (n adj v)
Zeit {f} Tiempo
Zeit (int n v) [to measure time] {f} cronometrar (int n v) [to measure time]
Zeit (int n v) [time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc] {f} hora del día (int n v) {f} [time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc]
Zeit (int n v) [time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc] {f} hora (int n v) {f} [time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc]
Zeit (int n v) [particular moment or hour] {f} hora (int n v) {f} [particular moment or hour]
Zeit (int n v) [numerical indication of a particular moment in time] {f} hora (int n v) {f} [numerical indication of a particular moment in time]
Zeit (int n v) [measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time] {f} hora (int n v) {f} [measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time]
Zeit (int n v) [measurement of a quantity of time] {f} hora (int n v) {f} [measurement of a quantity of time]
Zeit (n) [allgemein] {f} hora (n) {f} [allgemein]
Zeit (n) [Uhr] {f} hora (n) {f} [Uhr]
Zeit (n v) [particular period of time in history] {f} edad (n v) {f} [particular period of time in history]
Zeit (n adj v) [verb forms distinguishing time] {f} tiempo (n adj v) {m} [verb forms distinguishing time]
Zeit (int n v) [quantity of availability in time] {f} tiempo (int n v) {m} [quantity of availability in time]
Zeit (int n v) [measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time] {f} tiempo (int n v) {m} [measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time]
Zeit (int n v) [measurement of a quantity of time] {f} tiempo (int n v) {m} [measurement of a quantity of time]
Zeit (n) [Dauer] {f} lapso (n) {m} [Dauer]
Zeit (n) [Dauer] {f} duración (n) {f} [Dauer]
Zeit (int n v) [particular moment or hour] {f} momento (int n v) {m} [particular moment or hour]
Zeit (n) [allgemein] {f} momento (n) {m} [allgemein]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de zeit ES Traducciones
Dauer [lange Zeit] f período {m}
Zeitdauer [lange Zeit] f período {m}
Zeitraum [Phase] m lapso {m}
Epoche [Phase] f época {f}
Zeitalter [Phase] n era {f}
Zeitspanne [Phase] f rato {m}
Zeitabschnitt [Phase] m período {m}
Abschnitt [Phase] m sección {f}
Periode [Phase] f período {m}
Ära [Phase] f era {f}
Datum [Termin] n fecha {f}
Zeitpunkt [Termin] m (m fecha {f}
Moment [Termin] m momento {m}
Pause [Termin] f pausa {f}
Augenblick [Termin] m instante {m}
Frist [Termin] f plazo {m}
Stichtag [Termin] m compromiso {m}
Minute [Termin] f minuto {m}
Sekunde [Termin] f segundo {m}
Tag X [Termin] m día D {m}