ES DE Traducciones del Español al Alemán de zu
La búsqueda del término zu ha obtenido 28 resultados
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DE | Alemán | ES | Español | |
zu (n) [in Richtung auf] | a (n) [in Richtung auf] | |||
zu (o) [Richtung] | a (o) [Richtung] | |||
zu (o) [hervorrufend] | a (o) [hervorrufend] | |||
zu (o) [Richtung] | hacia (o) [Richtung] | |||
zu (particle prep adv) [infinitive-marker] | -ir (particle prep adv) [infinitive-marker] (particle prep adv) | |||
zu (particle prep adv) [infinitive-marker] | -er (particle prep adv) [infinitive-marker] (particle prep adv) | |||
zu (particle prep adv) [infinitive-marker] | -ar (particle prep adv) [infinitive-marker] (particle prep adv) | |||
zu (adv) [in bed, or on the bed] | en cama (adv) [in bed, or on the bed] | |||
zu (adj) [high on drugs] | colocado (adj) [high on drugs] | |||
zu (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol] | pedo (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol] | |||
zu (adv) [in bed, or on the bed] | acostado (adv) [in bed, or on the bed] | |||
zu (v) [to lie down to sleep] | acostarse (v) [to lie down to sleep] | |||
zu (o) [hervorrufend] | causando (o) [hervorrufend] | |||
zu (o) [allgemein] | para (o) [allgemein] | |||
zu (o) [allgemein] | de (o) [allgemein] | |||
zu (conj prep) [towards] | hacia (conj prep) [towards] | |||
zu (prep adj) [in the direction of] | hacia (prep adj) [in the direction of] | |||
zu (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol] | borracho (adj n) {m} [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol] | |||
zu (n v) [to give such assistance] | socorrer (n v) [to give such assistance] | |||
zu (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol] | ebrio (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol] | |||
zu (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios] | a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios] | |||
zu (conj prep) [towards] | a (conj prep) [towards] | |||
zu (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] | a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] | |||
zu | a | |||
zu (adv) [more than enough; ''as too much''] | demasiado (adv) [more than enough; ''as too much''] | |||
zu (o) [Grad] | demasiado (o) [Grad] | |||
zu | demasiado | |||
zu | hacia |
'Traducciones del Alemán al Español
DE | Sinónimos de zu | ES | Traducciones | |
infolge [aus Anlass] | debido a | |||
dank [aus Anlass] | gracias a | |||
wegen [aus Anlass] | a causa de | |||
weil [aus Anlass] | una vez que | |||
auf Grund [aus Anlass] | como consecuencia de | |||
ob [aus Anlass] | ya sea (conj) | |||
für [um] | por | |||
gelegentlich [anlässlich] | esporádicamente | |||
bei [anlässlich] | durante | |||
her [hierher] | acá | |||
heran [hierher] | acérquense | |||
herbei [hierher] | hacia aquí | |||
hierhin [hierher] | acá | |||
hierher [her] | para acá | |||
pro [je] | por | |||
rund [gegen] | redondo | |||
per [gegen] | por | |||
nahezu [gegen] | casi | |||
ungefähr [gegen] | aproximado | |||
wider [gegen] | contrario a |