La búsqueda del término agitation ha obtenido 9 resultados
EN Inglés ES Español
agitation (n) [a stirring; a disturbance of tranquility] inquietud (n) {f} [a stirring; a disturbance of tranquility]
agitation (n) [emotional condition] excitación (n) {f} [emotional condition]
agitation (n) [emotional condition] agitación (n) {f} [emotional condition]
agitation (n) [politics] alboroto (n) {m} [politics]
agitation (n) [politics] tumulto (n) {m} [politics]
agitation (n) [politics] confusión (n) {f} [politics]
agitation (n) [politics] estrépito (n) {m} [politics]
agitation (n) [politics] bullicio (n) {m} [politics]
agitation (n) [politics] escándalo (n) {m} [politics]

'Traducciones del Inglés al Español

EN Sinónimos de agitation ES Traducciones
attack [spasm] aanval
upset [spasm] omgekrap (adj n v)
excitement [enthusiasm] opwinding
commotion [event] skandaal
shock [event] skok
tumult [confusion] lawaai
hurry [confusion] haas
whirl [confusion] roer
riot [violent disturbance] lawaai
revolution [insurrection] rewolusie (n)
sedition [insurrection] (law opstand
stress [anxiety] beklemtoon