La búsqueda del término and also ha obtenido 5 resultados
EN Inglés ES Español
and also (o) [general] y también (o) [general]
and also (o) [general] así como (o) [general]
and also (o) [plus] más (o) [plus]
and also (o) [plus] y además (o) [plus]
and also (o) [plus] y (o) [plus]

EN ES Traducciones de and

and y
and (o) [conjunction] y (o) [conjunction]
and (o) [conjunction] e (o) [conjunction]
and e

EN ES Traducciones de also

also también
also (adv) [in addition; besides; as well; further; too] también (adv) [in addition; besides; as well; further; too]
also (o) [likewise] también (o) [likewise]
also (o) [too] también (o) [too]
also (adv) [in addition; besides; as well; further; too] además (adv) [in addition; besides; as well; further; too]
also (o) [too] además (o) [too]
also (o) [likewise] asimismo (o) [likewise]
also tambien
also además