La búsqueda del término cuba ha obtenido 7 resultados
ES Español EN Inglés
cuba (n v) [broad, flat-bottomed vessel] {f} tub (n v) [broad, flat-bottomed vessel]
cuba (n v) [a large barrel for the storage of liquid] {f} cask (n v) [a large barrel for the storage of liquid]
cuba (n v) [a large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning] {f} vat (n v) [a large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning]
cuba (n) [recipiente] {f} vat (n) [recipiente]
ES Sinónimos de cuba EN Traducciones
bota [barril] f lapzak (n)
pipa [barril] f pijp {m}
tonel [barril] vat {n}
barrica [barril] f ton {m}
casco [tonel] m vaartuig {n}
tina [tonel] f badkuip {m}
barril [tonel] m vat {n}
bote [botellón] m afvalbak
cubeta [botellón] f emmer {m}
bidón [botellón] m vat {n}
ebrio [beodo] beschonken
bebedor [beodo] m zatlap
borracho [beodo] m beschonken
receptáculo [tanque] m hulsel (n)
aljibe [tanque] waterreservoir {n}
pozo [tanque] m schacht {m}
recipiente [tanque] m hulsel (n)
depósito [tanque] m droesem
alumbramiento [borrachera] m nageboorte {f}
dipsomanía [borrachera] f dipsomanie {f}
EN Inglés ES Español
Cuba Cuba {f}
Cuba (proper) [country and largest island in Caribbean] Cuba (proper) {f} [country and largest island in Caribbean]
Cuba (n) [geography] Cuba (n) {f} [geography]