La búsqueda del término effort ha obtenido 7 resultados
EN Inglés ES Español
effort esfuerzo {m}
effort (n) [attempt] esfuerzo (n) {m} [attempt]
effort (n) [general] esfuerzo (n) {m} [general]
effort (n v) [the amount of work involved in achieving something] esfuerzo (n v) {m} [the amount of work involved in achieving something]
effort (n) [attempt] tentativa (n) {f} [attempt]
effort (n) [attempt] empeño (n) {m} [attempt]
effort empe o

'Traducciones del Inglés al Español

EN Sinónimos de effort ES Traducciones
bid [endeavour] vra
essay [endeavour] stelling
try [endeavour] drie
attempt [endeavour] probeer
industry [persistence] nywerheid
attention [persistence] aandag
study [persistence] studie
application [persistence] applikasie
attack [conflict] aanval
tendency [trend] lus
drift [trend] dryf
moment [effect] rukkie
energy [effect] energie
vigour [effect] BE mag
drive [effect] dryf
enterprise [application] onderneming
struggle [application] stryd
stand [deed] verdra
work [labour] werk
strength [property] mag