La búsqueda del término foco ha obtenido 11 resultados
ES Español EN Inglés
foco (n) [física] {m} focus (n) [física]
foco (n) [importancia] {m} focus (n) [importancia]
foco (n) [general] {m} floodlight (n) [general]
foco (n) [teatro] {m} spotlight (n) [teatro]
foco {m} coat
ES Español EN Inglés
foco (n) [teatro] {m} limelight (n) [teatro]
foco (n) [battery-powered hand-held lightsource] {m} flashlight (n) [battery-powered hand-held lightsource]
foco (n) [something that is the center of attention; an object that serves as a focal point of attraction and admiration] {m} cynosure (n) [something that is the center of attention; an object that serves as a focal point of attraction and admiration]
foco {m} coating
foco {m} focal point
ES Sinónimos de foco EN Traducciones
ampolla [bombilla] f ampulla (n)
lámpara [lamparilla] f elemlámpa
farol [lamparilla] m utcalámpa (n)
mechero [lamparilla] m Bunsen-égő (n)
linterna [lamparilla] f zseblámpa
meollo [núcleo] csontvelő (n)
centro [núcleo] m belváros (n adv adj)
médula [núcleo] f csontvelő (n)
fondo [núcleo] m háttér (n v)
miga [núcleo] f kenyérbél (n v)
corazón [núcleo] m kebel (n adj)
base [fundamento] f alapozó (n)
sostén [fundamento] m melltartó
polo [fundamento] m póló (n)
apoyo [fundamento] m pártolás (n)
eje [fundamento] m tengely
faro [farola] m világítótorony
luz [farola] f fény
reflector [fanal] m reflektor (n)
bombilla [lámpara] f szívószál (n)
EN Inglés ES Español
Foco Foquismo