La búsqueda del término form ha obtenido 14 resultados
EN Inglés ES Español
form (v) [Plasticine] modelar (v) [Plasticine]
form (v) [Plasticine] formar (v) [Plasticine]
form (v) [constitute] formar (v) [constitute]
form (v) [general] formar (v) [general]
form (v) [constitute] constituir (v) [constitute]
form (v) [develop] formarse (v) [develop]
form (n) [general] forma (n) {f} [general]
form (n) [kind] forma (n) {f} [kind]
form (v) [objects] dar forma a (v) [objects]
form (v) [constitute] componer (v) [constitute]
form (n) [document] formulario (n) {m} [document]
form horma {f}
form configurar
form amoldar

'Traducciones del Inglés al Español

EN Sinónimos de form ES Traducciones
organise [place] organizar
organize [place] reglamentar
classify [place] clasificar
systematize [place] sistematizar
divide [place] dividir
order [place] encadenamiento {m}
array [place] matriz {f}
arrange [place] reglamentar
physique [structure of the body] físico {m}
shape [structure of the body] forma {f}
figure [structure of the body] figura {f}
skeleton [structure of the body] esqueleto {m}
anatomy [structure of the body] anatomía {f}
fashion [characteristic] (formal moda {f}
garb [characteristic] (formal vestidura {f}
kind [characteristic] suerte {f}
stamp [characteristic] estampado {m}
mode [characteristic] moda {f}
sort [characteristic] suerte {f}
style [characteristic] estilo {m}