La búsqueda del término thunderstorm ha obtenido 6 resultados
EN Inglés ES Español
thunderstorm (n) [meteorology] tormenta (n) {f} [meteorology]
thunderstorm (n) [storm with thunder and lightning] tormenta (n) {f} [storm with thunder and lightning]
thunderstorm tronada
thunderstorm (n) [storm with thunder and lightning] tronada (n) [storm with thunder and lightning]
thunderstorm tempestad de truenos
thunderstorm (n) [storm with thunder and lightning] tormenta electrica (n) [storm with thunder and lightning] (n)

'Traducciones del Inglés al Español

EN Sinónimos de thunderstorm ES Traducciones
tempest [nature] (literature tempestades
blizzard [nature] monte {m}
gale [nature] vendaval {m}
hurricane [nature] furacão {m}
hailstorm [nature] tempestade de granizo
snowstorm [nature] tempestade {f}
sirocco [nature] xaroco
storm [nature] tumulto {m}