La búsqueda del término juntar ha obtenido 66 resultados
ES Español PT Portugués
juntar (v n) [have two or more things or properties that function together] combinar (v n) [have two or more things or properties that function together]
juntar (v n) [to bring together; to collect] coligir (v n) [to bring together; to collect]
juntar (v) [to attach or connect in a secure manner] firmar (v) [to attach or connect in a secure manner]
juntar (v n) [to bring together; to collect] amontoar (v n) [to bring together; to collect]
juntar (v) [general] unificar (v) [general]
ES Español PT Portugués
juntar (v n) [to bring together; to collect] coletar (v n) [to bring together; to collect]
juntar (v) [reunir] coletar (v) [reunir]
juntar (v) [general] agregar (v) [general]
juntar (n adj v) [To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum] agregar (n adj v) [To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum]
juntar (v) [to attach or connect in a secure manner] atar (v) [to attach or connect in a secure manner]
juntar (v n) [to gather together] recolher (v n) [to gather together]
juntar (v n) [to gather together] reunir (v n) [to gather together]
juntar reunir
juntar (v) [lugar] conectar (v) [lugar]
juntar (v n) [bring two or more things or activities together] combinar (v n) [bring two or more things or activities together]
juntar (v) [to attach or connect in a secure manner] apertar (v) [to attach or connect in a secure manner]
juntar (v) [reunir] acumular (v) [reunir]
juntar (v n) [to gather together] juntar (v n) [to gather together]
juntar (v n) [to bring together; to collect] juntar (v n) [to bring together; to collect]
juntar (v) [reunir] juntar (v) [reunir]
juntar (v) [lugar] juntar (v) [lugar]
juntar (v) [general] juntar (v) [general]
juntar (n adj v) [To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum] juntar (n adj v) [To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum]
juntar (v) [to come or bring together as one] unir (v) [to come or bring together as one]
juntar (v) [lugar] unir (v) [lugar]
juntar (v) [lugar] ligar (v) [lugar]
PT Portugués ES Español
juntar (v) [lugar] juntar (v) [lugar]
juntar (v n) [to gather together] reunir (v n) [to gather together]
juntar (v) [gado] rodear (v) [gado]
juntar (v) [provisão] atesorar (v) [provisão]
juntar (v) [gado] acorralar (v) [gado]
juntar (n adj v) [To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum] juntar (n adj v) [To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum]
juntar (v) [acumular] juntar (v) [acumular]
juntar (v) [coletar] juntar (v) [coletar]
juntar (v) [gente] juntar (v) [gente]
juntar (v) [geral] juntar (v) [geral]
juntar (v) [gente] reunir (v) [gente]
juntar (v n) [to bring together; to collect] juntar (v n) [to bring together; to collect]
juntar (v n) [to gather together] juntar (v n) [to gather together]
juntar (v) [fuse into a single entity] unir (v) [fuse into a single entity]
juntar (v) [geral] unir (v) [geral]
juntar (v) [lugar] unir (v) [lugar]
juntar (v) [geral] unificar (v) [geral]
juntar (v) [coletar] poner en contacto (v) [coletar]
juntar (v) [gente] poner en contacto (v) [gente]
juntar (v) [fuse into a single entity] conflar (v) [fuse into a single entity] (v)
juntar (v) [gente] acumular (v) [gente]
juntar (v n) [to gather together] recoger (v n) [to gather together]
juntar (n adj v) [To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum] sumar (n adj v) [To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum]
juntar (v) [lugar] conectar (v) [lugar]
juntar (v) [incluir] adjuntar (v) [incluir]
juntar (v) [incluir] añadir (v) [incluir]
juntar (v) [geral] agregar (v) [geral]
juntar (v n) [ accumulate over time] acumular (v n) [ accumulate over time]
juntar (v) [acumular] acumular (v) [acumular]
juntar (v) [coletar] acumular (v) [coletar]
juntar (v n) [to bring together; to collect] recoger (v n) [to bring together; to collect]
juntar (v) [provisão] acumular (v) [provisão]
juntar (v) [acumular] amontonar (v) [acumular]
juntar (v) [coletar] amontonar (v) [coletar]
juntar (v) [acumular] apilar (v) [acumular]
juntar (v) [coletar] apilar (v) [coletar]
juntar (v) [gente] conseguir (v) [gente]
juntar (n v) [''transitive'' connect] atar (n v) [''transitive'' connect]
juntar (v) [acumular] reunir (v) [acumular]
juntar (v) [coletar] reunir (v) [coletar]

'Traducciones del Portugués al Español

PT Sinónimos de juntar ES Traducciones
coletar [agregar] versamel
colher [puxar] f lepel
pegar [puxar] neem
coligir [reunir] versamel
amontoar [aglomerar] versamel