La búsqueda del término Beule ha obtenido 16 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Beule (n) [Vertiefung] {f} abolladura (n) {f} [Vertiefung]
Beule (n) [Metalle] {f} abolladura (n) {f} [Metalle]
Beule (n) [Anschwellung] {f} buba (n) [Anschwellung]
Beule (n) [Anschwellung] {f} chichón (n) [Anschwellung]
Beule (n) [Medizin] {f} hinchazón (n) {f} [Medizin]
DE Alemán ES Español
Beule (n) [Medizin] {f} bulto (n) {m} [Medizin]
Beule (n) [Oberfläche] {f} bulto (n) {m} [Oberfläche]
Beule (n v) [Something sticking out] {f} bulto (n v) {m} [Something sticking out]
Beule (n v) [a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury] {f} bulto (n v) {m} [a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury]
Beule (n v) [shallow deformation in the surface] {f} abolladura (n v) {f} [shallow deformation in the surface]
Beule (n v) [Something sticking out] {f} protuberancia (n v) {f} [Something sticking out]
Beule (n v) [small depression or indentation in generic surface] {f} hoyuelo (n v) {m} [small depression or indentation in generic surface]
Beule (n v) [a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury] {f} chichón (n v) [a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury]
Beule (n v) [Something sticking out] {f} abultamiento (n v) [Something sticking out]
Beule (n v) [a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury] {f} tolondro (n v) [a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury]
Beule (n v) [a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury] {f} cototo (n v) [a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury] (n v)

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de beule ES Traducciones
Krebs [Verdickung] m kanker {m}
Tumor [Verdickung] m gezwel {n}
Schwellung [Verdickung] f zwelling {f}
Knoten [Verdickung] m snijpunt {n}
Gewächs [Verdickung] n plant {m}
Geschwür [Verdickung] n ulcus {m}
Wulst [Verdickung] wrong
Wucherung [Verdickung] f woekering {f}
Knäuel [Verdickung] (n kluwen
Geschwulst [Verdickung] f neoplasma {n}
Furunkel [Verdickung] m bloedvin {m}
Karbunkel [Verdickung] m (Med. karbonkel
Horn [Schwellung] n toeter {m}
Verdickung [Schwellung] f verdikking {f}
Härte [Geschwulst] f ongevoeligheid {f}
Entzündung [Geschwulst] f ontsteking {f}
Auswuchs [Geschwulst] m uitgroeisel {n}
Delle [Beule] (f Delle
Rundung [Beule] f rondheid {f}
Anschwellung [Beule] f uitzetting {f}