La búsqueda del término cual ha obtenido 19 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
cuál (o) [pron. interrogativo - substitutivo - sing.] welcher (o) [pron. interrogativo - substitutivo - sing.]
cuál (n) was für (n)
cuál (pronoun adv int determiner) [interrogative pronoun] was (pronoun adv int determiner) [interrogative pronoun]
cuál was
cuál (pronoun adv int determiner) [which] welches (pronoun adv int determiner) [which]
cuál (o) [pron. interrogativo - substitutivo - sing.] welches (o) [pron. interrogativo - substitutivo - sing.]
cuál (a) [adj. interrogativo - sing.] welches (a) [adj. interrogativo - sing.]
cuál (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that] welches (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that]
cuál (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones] welches (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones]
cuál (pronoun adv int determiner) [which] welcher (pronoun adv int determiner) [which]
cuál (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones] welche (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones]
cuál (a) [adj. interrogativo - sing.] welcher (a) [adj. interrogativo - sing.]
cuál (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that] welcher (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that]
cuál (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones] welcher (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones]
cuál (n) welcher (n)
cuál (pronoun adv int determiner) [which] welche (pronoun adv int determiner) [which]
cuál (o) [pron. interrogativo - substitutivo - sing.] welche (o) [pron. interrogativo - substitutivo - sing.]
cuál (a) [adj. interrogativo - sing.] welche (a) [adj. interrogativo - sing.]
cuál (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that] welche (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that]