La búsqueda del término empfindlich ha obtenido 25 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
empfindlich (adj n) [of a person, easily offended] susceptible (adj n) [of a person, easily offended]
empfindlich (adj) [easily bothered or upset; tending to be nauseous or nervous] remilgado, quisquilloso, aprensivo (adj) [easily bothered or upset; tending to be nauseous or nervous] (adj)
empfindlich (adj v n) [sensitive or painful] tierno (adj v n) [sensitive or painful]
empfindlich (adj n) [responsive to stimuli] sensitivo (adj n) [responsive to stimuli]
empfindlich (adj n) [especially sensitive] sensitivo (adj n) [especially sensitive]
empfindlich (adj v n) [sensitive or painful] dolorido (adj v n) [sensitive or painful]
empfindlich (adj n) [especially sensitive] delicado (adj n) [especially sensitive]
empfindlich (adj n) [easily damaged or requiring careful handling] delicado (adj n) [easily damaged or requiring careful handling]
empfindlich (a) [Fell] delicado (a) [Fell]
empfindlich (a) [Charakter] irascible (a) [Charakter]
empfindlich (a) [Benehmen] irascible (a) [Benehmen]
empfindlich (a) [Charakter] enojadizo (a) [Charakter]
empfindlich (a) [Benehmen] enojadizo (a) [Benehmen]
empfindlich (adj n) [likely to be affected by] propenso (adj n) [likely to be affected by]
empfindlich (adj n) [likely to be affected by] susceptible (adj n) [likely to be affected by]
empfindlich (a) [Benehmen] susceptible (a) [Benehmen]
empfindlich (a) [Benehmen] irritable (a) [Benehmen]
empfindlich (a) [Charakter] de mal genio (a) [Charakter]
empfindlich (adj n) [responsive to stimuli] sensible (adj n) [responsive to stimuli]
empfindlich (adj n) [of a person, easily offended] sensible (adj n) [of a person, easily offended]
empfindlich (adj n) [especially sensitive] sensible (adj n) [especially sensitive]
empfindlich (a) [Gefühle] sensible (a) [Gefühle]
empfindlich (a) [Fell] sensible (a) [Fell]
empfindlich (a) [Benehmen] sensible (a) [Benehmen]
empfindlich (a) [Apparat] sensible (a) [Apparat]

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