La búsqueda del término piel ha obtenido 18 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
piel (n) [anatomía] {f} Haut (n) {f} [anatomía]
piel (n) {f} Pelle (n) (f)
piel (n) [vestuario] {f} Pelzmantel (n) {m} [vestuario]
piel (n v) [hairy skin processed to serve as a wear for people] {f} Pelz (n v) {m} [hairy skin processed to serve as a wear for people]
piel (n v) [coating resembling fur] {f} Pelz (n v) {m} [coating resembling fur]
piel (n) [animales] {f} Pelz (n) {m} [animales]
piel (n) {f} Pelz (n) {m}
piel (n v) [outer covering of the body of a person or animal] {f} Haut (n v) {f} [outer covering of the body of a person or animal]
piel (n) [fruta] {f} Haut (n) {f} [fruta]
piel (n) {f} Schale (n) {f}
piel (n) {f} Haut (n) {f}
piel (n) [anatomía] {f} Oberhaut (n) {f} [anatomía]
piel (n) [anatomía] {f} Epidermis (n) {f} [anatomía]
piel (n) [material] {f} Fell (n) {n} [material]
piel (n) [animales] {f} Fell (n) {n} [animales]
piel (n) {f} Fell (n) {n}
piel (n) [fruta] {f} Hülse (n) {f} [fruta]
piel (n) [fruta] {f} Schale (n) {f} [fruta]
ES Sinónimos de piel DE Traducciones
película [laminilla] f film
corteza [epidermis] f bas
superficie [cutis] f oppervlak
cabello [pelo] m haar
cubierta [cáscara] f agterblad
costra [telilla] f roof (n v)