La búsqueda del término te ha obtenido 20 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
te (o) [general] du (o) [general]
te (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] sich selbst (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self]
te (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] dich selbst (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self]
te (pronoun determiner) [object pronoun: the person being addressed] Sie (pronoun determiner) [object pronoun: the person being addressed]
te (o) [general] Sie (o) [general]
ES Español DE Alemán
te (o) [general] sich (o) [general]
te (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] sich (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self]
te (o) [general] ihr (o) [general]
te (o) [general] Ihnen (o) [general]
te (o) [general] euch (o) [general]
te (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] dich (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self]
te (o) [pron. pers. - compl. indirecto - sing.] dir (o) [pron. pers. - compl. indirecto - sing.]
te (o) [general] dir (o) [general]
te (pronoun v n) [Objective case of 'thou'] dir (pronoun v n) [Objective case of 'thou']
te (o) [pron. reflexivo -sing.] dich (o) [pron. reflexivo -sing.]
te (o) [pron. pers. - compl. directo - sing.] dich (o) [pron. pers. - compl. directo - sing.]
te (pronoun determiner) [object pronoun: the person being addressed] dich (pronoun determiner) [object pronoun: the person being addressed]
te (o) [general] dich (o) [general]
te (pronoun v n) [Objective case of 'thou'] dich (pronoun v n) [Objective case of 'thou']
DE Alemán ES Español