La búsqueda del término Universum ha obtenido 9 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Universum (n) [Astronomie] {n} universo (n) {m} [Astronomie]
Universum (n) [Schöpfung] {n} universo (n) {m} [Schöpfung]
Universum (n) [Schöpfung] {n} creación (n) {f} [Schöpfung]
Universum (n) [Schöpfung] {n} mundo (n) {m} [Schöpfung]
Universum {n} universo {m}
DE Alemán ES Español
Universum (n) [an entity similar to our universe] {n} universo (n) {m} [an entity similar to our universe]
Universum (proper) [sum of everything that exists] {n} universo (proper) {m} [sum of everything that exists]
Universum (n) [the Universe] {n} universo (n) {m} [the Universe]
Universum {n} Universo

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de universum ES Traducciones
Kosmos [Weltall] m kosmos (u/n)
Makrokosmos [Weltall] m makrokosmos {n}
Welt [All] f värld (u)
Raum [All] m rum {n}
Weltraum [All] m yttre rymd (u)
Schöpfung [All] f värld (u)
Ewigkeit [All] f evighet (u)
Weltall [All] n universum {n}
Unendlichkeit [All] f oändlighet (u)
Luft [Himmel] f luft (u)
Unsterblichkeit [Himmel] f odödlighet (u)
Äther [Himmel] m eter (u)
Himmel [Himmel] m himmel (u)