La búsqueda del término vital ha obtenido 12 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
vital (adj) [full of spirit of life] lebhaft (adj) [full of spirit of life]
vital (a) [medicina] lebenswichtig (a) [medicina]
vital (adj) [necessary to the continuation of life] lebenswichtig (adj) [necessary to the continuation of life]
vital (a) vital (a)
vital (adj) [full of spirit of life] vital (adj) [full of spirit of life]
ES Español DE Alemán
vital (a) [medicina] vital (a) [medicina]
ES Sinónimos de vital DE Traducciones
subjetivo [moral] 主観的な (adj)
emocional [moral] 感情的 (adj)
espiritual [moral] 精神的 (adj n)
fundamental [importante] 基本的な (n adj)
valioso [importante] 貴重
estratégico [importante] 策略 (n)
urgente [indispensable] 急を要する (adj)
obligatorio [esencial] 義務的 (adj n)
emocionante [conmovedor] 息をのむほど (adj)
vehemente [conmovedor] 猛烈 (adj)
cálido [conmovedor] 温かい (adj v)
primero [primordial] m 前者 (adj n)
cardinal [primordial] 基数 (adj n)
importante [primordial] 著しい (adj)
fuerte [poderoso] m 強み (n adj adv)
vigoroso [poderoso] 精力的 (adj)
tenaz [poderoso] 頑強な (adj)
duro [poderoso] よく (yoku)
recio [poderoso] よく (yoku)
vivo [viviente] 生きている (adj)
DE Alemán ES Español
vital (a) [lebendig] vital (a) [lebendig]
vital (a) [Medizin] vital (a) [Medizin]
vital (adj) [full of liveliness and activity] enérgico (adj) [full of liveliness and activity]
vital (adj) [vigorous] vigoroso (adj) [vigorous]
vital (adj) [full of spirit of life] vital (adj) [full of spirit of life]
vital (adj) [full of liveliness and activity] brioso (adj) [full of liveliness and activity]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español