La búsqueda del término aventure ha obtenido 9 resultados
FR Francés ES Español
aventure {f} aventura {f}
aventure (n) [adulterous relationship] {f} aventura (n) {f} [adulterous relationship]
aventure (n v) [encountering of risks] {f} aventura (n v) {f} [encountering of risks]
aventure (n) [général] {f} aventura (n) {f} [général]
aventure (n v) [remarkable occurrence] {f} aventura (n v) {f} [remarkable occurrence]
aventure (n v) [short sexual relationship] {f} aventura (n v) {f} [short sexual relationship]
aventure (n v) [that which happens without design] {f} aventura (n v) {f} [that which happens without design]
aventure (n) [sensation mentale] {f} experiencia (n) {f} [sensation mentale]
aventure (n) [adulterous relationship] {f} amorío (n) {m} [adulterous relationship]

'Traducciones del Francés al Español

FR Sinónimos de aventure ES Traducciones
événement [incident] m Ereignis {n}
phénomène [incident] m Phänomen {n}
malheur [incident] m Weh {n}
mésaventure [incident] f unglücklicher Zufall {m}
complication [incident] f Komplikation {f}
catastrophe [incident] f Desaster {n}
adversité [incident] f Missgeschick {n}
coup [incident] m Schlag {m}
ennui [incident] m Langeweile {f}
revers [incident] m Revers {m}
vicissitude [incident] f unglücklicher Zufall {m}
collision [incident] f Kollision {f}
accident [incident] m Unfall {m}
cas [événement] m Fall {m}
fait [événement] m Tatsache {f}
cause [fait] f Grund {m}
question [fait] f Frage {f}
scandale [fait] m Skandal {m}
histoire [fait] f Geschichte {f}
affaire [fait] f Angelegenheit {f}