La búsqueda del término embrión ha obtenido 7 resultados
ES Español PT Portugués
embrión (n) [an organism in the earlier stages of development before it emerges from the egg, or before metamorphosis] {m} embrião (n) {f} [an organism in the earlier stages of development before it emerges from the egg, or before metamorphosis]
embrión (n) [biología] {m} embrião (n) {f} [biología]
embrión (n) [botany: rudimentary plant contained in the seed] {m} embrião (n) {f} [botany: rudimentary plant contained in the seed]
embrión (n) [fertilized egg before developing into a fetus] {m} embrião (n) {f} [fertilized egg before developing into a fetus]
embrión (n) [in humans: the cell growth up to the end of the seventh week in the mother's body] {m} embrião (n) {f} [in humans: the cell growth up to the end of the seventh week in the mother's body]
ES Español PT Portugués
embrión (n) [in viviparous animals: the young animal's earliest stages in the mother's body] {m} embrião (n) {f} [in viviparous animals: the young animal's earliest stages in the mother's body]
embrión {m} embriões
ES Sinónimos de embrión PT Traducciones
comienzo [principio] m princípio {m}
inicio [principio] m início {m}
proyecto [principio] m projectos
feto [germen] m feto {m}
huevo [germen] m ovo {m}
engendro [germen] aborto {m}
germen [óvulo] m germe {m}
célula [óvulo] f célula {f}
aborto [engendro] m aborto {m}
espantajo [engendro] m relaxada {f}
fenómeno [engendro] m fenômeno {m}
monstruo [engendro] m monstro {m}
óvulo [huevo] m óvulo {m}