La búsqueda del término arrebatar ha obtenido 7 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
arrebatar (v) [To take away someone or something important or close] berauben (v) [To take away someone or something important or close]
arrebatar (v) [deleite] begeistern (v) [deleite]
arrebatar (v) [deleite] faszinieren (v) [deleite]
arrebatar (v) [deleite] entzücken (v) [deleite]
arrebatar (v) mitreißen (v)
arrebatar (v) [general] erhaschen (v) [general]
arrebatar (v n) [to incite to action; to arouse; to instigate; to prompt; to excite] anstacheln (v n) [to incite to action; to arouse; to instigate; to prompt; to excite]
ES Sinónimos de arrebatar DE Traducciones
quitar [recoger] dọn đi (v n)
tomar [despojar] uống
coger [despojar] đéo (v n int adv)
encantar [embelesar] yêu
satisfacer [apasionar] thỏa mãn (v)
robar [hurtar] ăn trộm (v n)
agradar [deleitar] làm ơn
gustar [deleitar] nếm (n v)