| dulce (adj adv n) [having a pleasing disposition] | | süß (adj adv n) [having a pleasing disposition] | |
| dulce (adj adv n) [having a taste of sugar] | | süß (adj adv n) [having a taste of sugar] | |
| dulce (adj) [sweet to the taste] | | süß (adj) [sweet to the taste] | |
| dulce (adj) [sweet (voice, tone), melodious] | | melodisch (adj) [sweet (voice, tone), melodious] | |
| dulce (n) | | Süßigkeit (n) {f} | |
| dulce (n v) [piece of candy] | | Bonbon (n v) {n} [piece of candy] | |
| dulce (adj) [sweet (voice, tone), melodious] | | wohlklingend (adj) [sweet (voice, tone), melodious] | |
| dulce (adj adv n) [having a pleasing disposition] | | herzig (adj adv n) [having a pleasing disposition] | |
| dulce (n) [sweet confection served as the last course of a meal] | | Nachspeise (n) {f} [sweet confection served as the last course of a meal] | |
| dulce (n v) [piece of candy] | | Konfekt (n v) {n} [piece of candy] | |
| dulce (a) | | hold (a) | |
| dulce (n) | | Zuckerwerk (n) {n} | |
| dulce (n) | | Mehlspeise (n) {f} | |
| dulce (n v int) [a very sweet confection] | | Buttertoffee (n v int) [a very sweet confection] | |
| dulce (adj adv n) [of a wine: retaining a portion of sugar] | | lieblich (adj adv n) [of a wine: retaining a portion of sugar] | |
| dulce (adj) [sweet to the taste] | | angenehm (adj) [sweet to the taste] | |
| dulce (a) [carácter] | | freundlich (a) [carácter] | |
| dulce (a) [persona] | | freundlich (a) [persona] | |
| dulce (a) [persona] | | nett (a) [persona] | |
| dulce (a) [persona] | | liebenswürdig (a) [persona] | |
| dulce (a) [persona] | | scharmant (a) [persona] | |
| dulce (a) [carácter] | | lieblich (a) [carácter] | |
| dulce (adj adv n) [having a pleasing disposition] | | lieblich (adj adv n) [having a pleasing disposition] | |
| dulce (adj) [generally pleasing, soothing, agreeable] | | angenehm (adj) [generally pleasing, soothing, agreeable] | |
| dulce (a) [sonido] | | lieblich (a) [sonido] | |
| dulce (adj) [sweet (voice, tone), melodious] | | lieblich (adj) [sweet (voice, tone), melodious] | |
| dulce (adj) [sweet to the taste] | | lieblich (adj) [sweet to the taste] | |
| dulce | | lecker | |
| dulce (adj) [generally pleasing, soothing, agreeable] | | beruhigend (adj) [generally pleasing, soothing, agreeable] | |
| dulce (a) [sonido] | | beruhigend (a) [sonido] | |
| dulce (adj) [generally pleasing, soothing, agreeable] | | lind (adj) [generally pleasing, soothing, agreeable] | |
| dulce (a) [sonido] | | lind (a) [sonido] | |