La búsqueda del término engaño ha obtenido 31 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
engaño (n) [act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind] {m} Täuschung (n) {f} [act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind]
engaño (n) [trampa] {m} Mauschelei (n) {f} [trampa]
engaño (n v) [fraud] {m} krummes Ding (n v) {n} [fraud]
engaño (n) [trampa] {m} Überlistung (n) {f} [trampa]
engaño (n) [malentendido] {m} Missverständnis (n) {n} [malentendido]
ES Español DE Alemán
engaño (n) [malentendido] {m} Fehlurteil (n) {n} [malentendido]
engaño (n) [malentendido] {m} Irrtum (n) {m} [malentendido]
engaño (n) [trampa] {m} Irreführung (n) {f} [trampa]
engaño (n) [comportamiento] {m} Irreführung (n) {f} [comportamiento]
engaño (n) [act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind] {m} Irreführung (n) {f} [act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind]
engaño (n) [comportamiento] {m} Betrügerei (n) {f} [comportamiento]
engaño (n) [act or behavior intended to deceive] {m} Betrügerei (n) {f} [act or behavior intended to deceive]
engaño (n) [instance of actions fabricated to mislead] {m} Täuschung (n) {f} [instance of actions fabricated to mislead]
engaño (n) [dinero] {m} Täuschung (n) {f} [dinero]
engaño (n) [comportamiento] {m} Täuschung (n) {f} [comportamiento]
engaño (n) [act or fact of deceiving] {m} Täuschung (n) {f} [act or fact of deceiving]
engaño (n) [apariencia] {m} Vortäuschung (n) {f} [apariencia]
engaño (n) [apariencia] {m} Heuchelei (n) {f} [apariencia]
engaño (n) [instance of actions fabricated to mislead] {m} Betrug (n) {m} [instance of actions fabricated to mislead]
engaño (n) [dinero] {m} Betrug (n) {m} [dinero]
engaño (n) [comportamiento] {m} Betrug (n) {m} [comportamiento]
engaño (n) [apariencia] {m} Betrug (n) {m} [apariencia]
engaño (n) [general] {m} Trick (n) {m} [general]
engaño (n) [general] {m} List (n) {f} [general]
engaño (n) [falsedad] {m} List (n) {f} [falsedad]
engaño (n) [apariencia] {m} Schein (n) {m} [apariencia]
engaño (n) [trampa] {m} Schwindel (n) {m} [trampa]
engaño (n) [crimen] {m} Schwindel (n) {m} [crimen]
engaño (n) [crimen] {m} Mogelei (n) {f} [crimen]
engaño (n) [trampa] {m} Gaunerei (n) {f} [trampa]
engaño (n) [crimen] {m} Gaunerei (n) {f} [crimen]
ES Sinónimos de engaño DE Traducciones
fraude [falsificación] m Betrug {m}
imitación [falsificación] f Attrappe (f)
adulteración [falsificación] f Verfälschung {f}
mentira [embuste] f unecht
enredo [embuste] m Komplikation {f}
falsedad [embuste] f Lüge {f}
impostura [embuste] f Schwindel {m}
patraña [embuste] f Märchen {n}
andrómina [embuste] f Märchen {n}
seducción [ardid] f Verführung {f}
anzuelo [ardid] m Angelhaken {m}
astucia [maña] f Gerissenheit {f}
treta [maña] f List {f}
trampa [maña] f Haken {m}
artificio [maña] m Mittel {n}
artimaña [maña] f Trick {m}
ardid [maña] m Trick {m}
desfalco [fraude] m Unterschlagung {f}
dolo [fraude] m Vorsatz {n}
timo [fraude] m krummes Ding {n}