La búsqueda del término partida ha obtenido 14 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
partida (n) {f} Abfahrt (n) {f}
partida (n) [the act of departing] {f} Abfahrt (n) {f} [the act of departing]
partida (n) [the act of departing] {f} Abreise (n) {f} [the act of departing]
partida (n) [the act of departing] {f} Abflug (n) {m} [the act of departing] (m)
partida (n v) [action of leaving] {f} Austritt (n v) [action of leaving]
partida (n) [comercio] {f} Posten (n) {m} [comercio]
partida (n) [contabilidad] {f} Posten (n) {m} [contabilidad]
partida (n v) [action of leaving] {f} Abwanderung (n v) [action of leaving] (f)
partida (n v) [action of leaving] {f} Ausstieg (n v) [action of leaving]
partida (n) {f} Partie (n) {f}
partida (n) [comercio] {f} Partie (n) {f} [comercio]
partida (n) [deportes] {f} Runde (n) {f} [deportes]
partida (n v) [action of leaving] {f} Abtritt (n v) {m} [action of leaving]
partida (phrase) [message that appears on the screen of a computer or video game when all of the player's lives have been lost] {f} das Spiel ist zu Ende (phrase) [message that appears on the screen of a computer or video game when all of the player's lives have been lost] (phrase)
ES Sinónimos de partida DE Traducciones
empuje [aceleración] m Unternehmungslust
salida [aceleración] f Abwanderung (f)
arranque [aceleración] m Reißen (v n)
arrancada [aceleración] Reißen (v n)
iniciación [comienzo] f Initiierung {f}
principio [comienzo] m Grundregel {f}
mercancía [género] f Güter {n} (n/pl)
tanto [mano] m soviel
juego [mano] m Spiel {n}
comienzo [encabezamiento] m Beginn {m}
origen [encabezamiento] m Herkunft {f}
nacimiento [encabezamiento] m Geburt {f}
batida [caza] f Razzia {f}
acoso [caza] Drangsalieren
persecución [caza] f Jagd {f}
búsqueda [caza] f Suche {f}
cacería [caza] f Jägerei {f}
pandilla [grupo] f Rotte {f}
cuadrilla [grupo] f Team {n}
liga [grupo] f Strumpfband {n}