La búsqueda del término pito ha obtenido 12 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
pito Glied {n}
pito (n v num) [slang: penis] Schlange (n v num) {f} [slang: penis]
pito (n v) [device used to make a whistling sound] Flöte (n v) {f} [device used to make a whistling sound]
pito (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling] Pfiff (n v) {m} [sound similar to the sound made by whistling]
pito (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling] Pfeifen (n v) {n} [sound similar to the sound made by whistling]
pito (n v) [device used to make a whistling sound] Pfeife (n v) {f} [device used to make a whistling sound]
pito Penis {m}
pito Schwanz {m}
pito (n v num) [slang: penis] Schwanz (n v num) {m} [slang: penis]
pito Specht {m}
pito (n) [bird in Picinae] Specht (n) {m} [bird in Picinae]
pito (n v) [device used to make a whistling sound] Trillerpfeife (n v) {f} [device used to make a whistling sound]
ES Sinónimos de pito DE Traducciones
tabaco [cigarrillo] m तंबाकू (n)
valiente [valiente] व्यकित (adj n v)
sonido [silbido] m आवाज़ {f}