La búsqueda del término sabio ha obtenido 20 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
sabio (a) [juicio] {m} weise (a) [juicio]
sabio (adj n int v) [wise person] {m} Weiser (adj n int v) [wise person] (adj n int v)
sabio (n) {m} sage (n)
sabio (adj v int) [well-informed and perceptive] {m} clever (adj v int) [well-informed and perceptive]
sabio (adj n) [exceedingly wise] {m} erleuchtet (adj n) [exceedingly wise]
sabio (n) [specialist in a particular branch of knowledge] {m} Gelehrte (n) {m} [specialist in a particular branch of knowledge]
sabio (n) [learned person] {m} Gelehrte (n) {m} [learned person]
sabio (n) [ciencia - hombre] {m} Gelehrte (n) {m} [ciencia - hombre]
sabio (adj n int v) [wise] {m} weise (adj n int v) [wise]
sabio (adj v n) [showing good judgement] {m} weise (adj v n) [showing good judgement]
sabio {m} klug
sabio (a) [general] {m} weise (a) [general]
sabio (a) [comentario] {m} weise (a) [comentario]
sabio (a) {m} weise (a)
sabio (adj n int v) [wise person] {m} Weise (adj n int v) {f} [wise person]
sabio (n) [persona - hombre] {m} Weise (n) {f} [persona - hombre]
sabio (adj v int) [well-informed and perceptive] {m} schlau (adj v int) [well-informed and perceptive]
sabio (a) [comentario] {m} gelehrt (a) [comentario]
sabio (adj v int) [well-informed and perceptive] {m} klug (adj v int) [well-informed and perceptive]
sabio (adj v n) [showing good judgement] {m} klug (adj v n) [showing good judgement]
ES Sinónimos de sabio DE Traducciones
experto [docto] m izvedenec (adj n)
científico [investigador] m znanstvenica {f}
intelectual [pensador] m pameten (v adj n)
filósofo [pensador] m filozof {m}
doctor [instruido] m doktorica {f}
genio [eminencia] m genialnost {f}
juicioso [sensato] modro
universal [omnisciente] univerzalen (adj n)
escritor [autor] m písec (n)