La búsqueda del término Versagen ha obtenido 3 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Versagen (n) [state or condition of opposite success] fallo (n) {m} [state or condition of opposite success]
Versagen (n) [state or condition of opposite success] fracaso (n) {m} [state or condition of opposite success]
Versagen (n) [termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function] avería (n) {f} [termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de versagen ES Traducciones
Verlust [Wegfall] m pérdida {f}
Schaden [Wegfall] m daño {m}
Mangel [Wegfall] m defecto {m}
Lücke [Wegfall] f vacío {m}
Ausfall [Wegfall] m caída {f}
Minus [Wegfall] n desventaja {f}
Defizit [Wegfall] n déficit {m}
Ebbe [Wegfall] f bajamar {m}
Leerstelle [Wegfall] Vacío m
Fehlbetrag [Wegfall] m déficit {m}
Einbuße [Wegfall] (f perjuicio {m}
Niederlage [Misslingen] f derrota {f}
Misserfolg [Misslingen] m fracaso {m}
Rückschlag [Misslingen] m contratiempo {m}
Durchfall [Misslingen] m reprobación {f}
Schiffbruch [Misslingen] m naufragio {m}
Panne [Misslingen] f plancha {f}
Ruin [Misslingen] m ruina {f}
Fehlschlag [Misslingen] m fracaso {m}
Fiasko [Misslingen] n fracaso {m}