La búsqueda del término claraboya ha obtenido 3 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
claraboya (n) [opening in the roof] Dachfenster (n) {n} [opening in the roof]
claraboya (n) [opening in the roof] Dachluke (n) {f} [opening in the roof]
claraboya (n) [opening in the roof] Dachflächenfenster (n) [opening in the roof] (n)
ES Sinónimos de claraboya DE Traducciones
ventanal [ventanuco] m Kirchenfenster {n}
lumbrera [ventanuco] f Dachfenster {n}
ventana [tragaluz] f Fenster {n}
ojo [tragaluz] m Auge {n}
abertura [tragaluz] f Loch {n}
tragaluz [lumbrera] m Dachflächenfenster (n)