La búsqueda del término medio ha obtenido 21 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
medio (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} Rohstoff (n v) {m} [something that one uses to achieve an objective]
medio (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} Ressource (n v) {f} [something that one uses to achieve an objective]
medio (n) [area around something] {m} Umwelt (n) {f} [area around something]
medio (n) {m} teilweise (n)
medio (a) {m} teils (a)
ES Español DE Alemán
medio (n) [centro] {m} Mitte (n) {f} [centro]
medio (n) {m} Mitte (n) {f}
medio (n) [centro] {m} Zentrum (n) {n} [centro]
medio (n) [deportes - fútbol] {m} Mittelfeldspieler (n) {m} [deportes - fútbol]
medio (o) [grado] {m} halb (o) [grado]
medio (a) [general] {m} halb (a) [general]
medio (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} Quelle (n v) {f} [something that one uses to achieve an objective]
medio (a) [general] {m} Durchschnitts- (a) [general]
medio (n) [software or hardware on a computer] {m} Umgebung (n) {f} [software or hardware on a computer]
medio (n) [area around something] {m} Umgebung (n) {f} [area around something]
medio (n) [ayudar] {m} Ausweg (n) {m} [ayudar]
medio (n) [ayudar] {m} Zuflucht (n) {f} [ayudar]
medio (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} Mittel (n v) {n} [something that one uses to achieve an objective]
medio (n) [general] {m} Mittel (n) {n} [general]
medio (n) [centro] {m} Mittelpunkt (n) {m} [centro]
medio (a) [general] {m} durchschnittlich (a) [general]
ES Sinónimos de medio DE Traducciones
círculo [ámbito] m Verein {m}
ambiente [ámbito] m Ambiente {n}
entorno [ambiente] m Umgebung {f}
circunstancia [ambiente] f Umstand {m}
lugar [ambiente] m Arbeitsplatz {m}
espacio [ambiente] m Leerzeichen
terreno [ambiente] m Bereich {m}
esfera [ambiente] f Bereich {m}
ámbito [ambiente] m Fitness {f}
interior [central] m licht
céntrico [central] Zentral-
recurso [pretexto] m Hilfsmittel {n}
motivo [pretexto] m Anlass {m}
subterfugio [pretexto] m Ausflucht (f)
salida [pretexto] f Abwanderung (f)
ocasión [pretexto] f Anlass {m}
expediente [pretexto] m Akte
manera [modo] f Methode {f}
carácter [modo] m Geistesart
estilo [modo] m Gnomon