La búsqueda del término serio ha obtenido 34 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
serio (a) [estado] prekär (a) [estado]
serio (adj) [important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play] ernsthaft (adj) [important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play]
serio (adj) [really intending what is said; being in earnest] ernsthaft (adj) [really intending what is said; being in earnest]
serio (n v adj) [important, serious] aufrichtig (n v adj) [important, serious]
serio (a) [daño] erheblich (a) [daño]
ES Español DE Alemán
serio (a) [daño] beträchtlich (a) [daño]
serio (a) [competencia] hart (a) [competencia]
serio (adj) [important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play] schwerwiegend (adj) [important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play]
serio (a) [estado] Besorgnis erregend (a) [estado]
serio (n v adj) [important, serious] ernsthaft (n v adj) [important, serious]
serio (a) [estado] unsicher (a) [estado]
serio (a) [circunstancia] würdevoll (a) [circunstancia]
serio (n v adj) [having a sense of seriousness] gewichtig (n v adj) [having a sense of seriousness]
serio (a) [comportamiento] nüchtern (a) [comportamiento]
serio (adj n v) [of a person, formal in behavior, unrelaxed] steif (adj n v) [of a person, formal in behavior, unrelaxed]
serio (n v adj) [having a sense of seriousness] gemessen (n v adj) [having a sense of seriousness]
serio (n v adj) [having a sense of seriousness] gravitätisch (n v adj) [having a sense of seriousness]
serio (a) [grado] ernst (a) [grado]
serio (a) [grado] schwer (a) [grado]
serio (a) [grave] schwer (a) [grave]
serio (a) [grado] bedeutend (a) [grado]
serio (v) ernst (v)
serio (a) [cara] ernst (a) [cara]
serio (a) [circunstancia] ernst (a) [circunstancia]
serio (a) [comportamiento] ernst (a) [comportamiento]
serio (a) [estado] ernst (a) [estado]
serio (a) [grave] ernstlich (a) [grave]
serio (n v adj) [important, serious] ernst (n v adj) [important, serious]
serio (adj) [important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play] ernst (adj) [important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play]
serio (adj) [without humor or expression of happiness] ernst (adj) [without humor or expression of happiness]
serio (a) ernsthaft (a)
serio (a) [comportamiento] ernsthaft (a) [comportamiento]
serio (a) [grado] ernsthaft (a) [grado]
serio (a) [importancia] ernsthaft (a) [importancia]