La búsqueda del término treiben ha obtenido 23 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
treiben (v) practicar (v)
treiben (v) flotar (v)
treiben (v) [Wasser] flotar (v) [Wasser]
treiben (v) [zwingen] conducir (v) {m} [zwingen]
treiben (n v) [to press, push, drive] empujar (n v) [to press, push, drive]
treiben (n v) [to press, push, drive] aguijonear (n v) [to press, push, drive]
treiben (n v) [to press, push, drive] aguijar (n v) [to press, push, drive]
treiben (n v) [to press, push, drive] jalear (n v) [to press, push, drive]
treiben (v) [Vieh] acorralar (v) [Vieh]
treiben (n v) [to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating] flotar (n v) [to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating]
treiben (n v) [to be supported by a liquid] flotar (n v) [to be supported by a liquid]
treiben (v) [Vieh] rodear (v) [Vieh]
treiben (n v) [to press, push, drive] presionar (n v) [to press, push, drive]
treiben (n v) [to press, push, drive] urgir (n v) [to press, push, drive]
treiben (n v) [to move slowly, pushed by currents of water, air, etc] derivar (n v) [to move slowly, pushed by currents of water, air, etc]
treiben (n v) [to press, push, drive] apresurar (n v) [to press, push, drive]
treiben (v n) [to motivate] llevar (v n) [to motivate]
treiben (v n) [herd (animals) in a particular direction] conducir (v n) {m} [herd (animals) in a particular direction]
treiben (n v) [to press, push, drive] impulsar (n v) [to press, push, drive]
treiben (v) [mechanisch] impulsar (v) [mechanisch]
treiben (v) [mechanisch] accionar (v) [mechanisch]
treiben (v n) [to motivate] motivar (v n) [to motivate]
treiben (v) [Wasser] ir a la deriva (v) [Wasser]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español